Perdue AgriBusiness, Missouri Soybeans Launch First Organic SOYLEIC High Oleic Contracting Program
Leading U.S. ag products and services company Perdue AgriBusiness, together with the Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council, have announced the launch of the first organic high oleic SOYLEIC soybean grower contract program.
Perdue has partnered with the Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council since last year, and has licensed several of its patented line of high oleic SOYLEIC soybeans, offering identity-preserved, non-GMO, and now organic contracts for growers.
This growing season, Perdue AgriBusiness will contract with organic soybean farmers in Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia to grow up to 10,000 acres of SOYLEIC organic soybeans.
Peter Gruppo, director of U.S. domestic organic grains with Perdue AgriBusiness, noted that this high oleic soybean variety offers growers an optimal combination of high yields and profit potential, while assisting growers to transition to organic production, or to expand their organic acreage.
Contracted growers through this program have the potential to earn a .90 cent premium per bushel for producing and storing the beans, or a .65 cent premium for a harvest delivery contract (with beans being delivered directly to designated Perdue facilities for processing).