NGFA Pleased With Advancement of Legislation That Addresses Rehab of Inland Waterways
Leadership of the National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA) have voiced their satisfaction to the Senate Environment and Public Water Committee for advancing legislation that would call for an adjusted cost-sharing model for the rehabilitation of the country’s inland waterways.
The Committee unanimously approved the $17 billion America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2020 that would shift the funding structure away from a 50:50 split between the government and commercial users of the waterways to one where the government would be responsible for 65 percent of the cost of each rehabilitation project. The remaining 35 percent would be covered by barge and towboat operators through diesel fuel taxes deposited into the Inland Waterways Trust Fund.
The NGFA, whose membership includes 33 state and regional grain and feed associations, and more than 1,000 grain, feed, processing, exporting, and other grain-related companies, prainsed the legislation, noting it would enhance competitiveness, contribute to efficiency in the U.S. transportation system, promote economic growth, and boost job creation.