Bay State Milling is First to Order New High-Fiber Wheat Variety from Agbiotech Company Arcadia Bios
Agbiotech company Arcadia Biosciences, a developer of high-value food ingredients and nutritional oils as well as a GM soybean variety, announced it has secured an initial purchase for its non-GMO, high-fiber bread wheat variety for 2020 from Bay State Milling Company.
Earlier this year Bay State agreed to be Arcadia’s exclusive North American commercial partner for Arcadia’s high-fiber bread wheat under its HealthSense brand portfolio, stating that the wheat technology would strengthen its supply of identity-preserved, non-GMO varieties.
Arcadia also announced that 4,000 acres of its GoodWheat non-GMO varieties have been successfully harvested by contracted growers across Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, and Arizona - 10 times the number of acres planted in 2018.