P&H Ltd. Acquires 10 Louis Dreyfus Locations Across Western Canada
Parrish & Heimbecker, Limited (P&H) announced it has strategically acquired 10 Louis Dreyfus locations across Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia.
The capital investment will significantly strengthen P&H’s leadership position in the grain supply and crop inputs value chains, and will greatly expand P&H’s geographical footprint.
As the company continues to invest to grow a more competitive network, including grain terminals, flour milling facilities, feed mills, and elevators, farmer customers will gain increased access to a wider range and variety of offerings in grain trading, handling, and merchandising, as well as a full portfolio of crop input products.
Family-owned P&H was incorporated in 1909 and has 40 strategic locations from coast to coast across Canada. With more than 1,500 employees, the company’s grain business including trading, handling, marine and rail freight management for both domestic and export markets reaching 15 countries.