Performance Livestock and Feed Co. Building New Feed Facility in Virginia
Performance Livestock and Feed Company announced it is investing $4.2 million to build a new feed production facility in Henry County, Virginia, reports the Augusta Free Press.
The new plant will increase feed output for the company by 50% within the next three years and will locally source $11 million worth of grains and other ingredients per year.
Based in North Carolina, Performance Livestock and Feed produces more than 50 products using both traditional and non-traditional feed ingredients, which it sells to customers from Florida to Michigan. The new site will have rail access allowing the company to transition into making bulk purchases of its key ingredients while cutting production costs.
“Virginia is an animal feed deficit state, so having a major quality feed producer available locally is a huge benefit to our cattlemen and women across Southside,” noted Virginia’s Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry, Todd Haymore. “The company’s commitment to buy significant amounts of Virginia-grown feed ingredients will create new, robust market opportunities for Virginia’s grain producers.”