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Unconventional Ag

Ag Processing Inc. Planning Soybean Processing Plant in Dakotas

As soybean acreage increases in the Dakotas, Ag Processing Inc., the largest soybean processor in the world, is planning the construction of a soybean processing plant in either North or South Dakota.

If the plant moves forward in North Dakota, it would be the first plant dedicated solely to soybean processing in the state. The Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) plant in Enderlin stopped crushing soybeans ten years ago and focused on processing sunflowers when margins fell.

In 2014 North Dakota surpassed Indiana for soybean acreage becoming the fourth largest producing state in the country, with 72% of production being exported to Asian markets, and acreage keeps growing. The reported 30 million bushel crush capacity plant will provide another regional market for soybeans and improve margins for farmers.

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